Dario Battistella francia professzor angol nyelvű, blokkosított kurzusa.

Contemporary International Politics


Dario Battistella

Professor of Political Science - Sciences Po Bordeaux





14 October  - 17 October (Monday to Thursday) 2013.

Each day 2x90 minutes

18.00-19.30 and 20.00-21.30







I. Systems and Structures


1. The Interstate System: Unipolar or Multipolar?


2. The International Society: Pluralist or Solidarist?



II. Institutions and Organizations


3. The United Nations: Peace-Prone or War-Prone Institution?


4. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization: Military Alliance or Security Community?



III. War and Peace


5. Operation Iraqi Freedom: Legitimate Defense or Unnecessary War?


6. The Israeli-Arabian Conflict: Hobbesian or Lockean Anarchy?



IV. Trends and Transformations


7. The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More Will Be Better or Worse?


8. The Consequences of China's Rise: Balance or Parity?